Thursday, March 9, 2017

Garnier Micellar Water

its been few month im using this Makeup remover. seriously guys you need to keep this one as yours.
memag best giler. not sticky, easy use and best is all the makeup gone in just one swap.

balik balik keje or class mesti dah penat right. mana ada masa nak guna makeup remover yang banyak giler step dia tu. Mata dah kuyu mintak kejam, but makeup tak remove lagi.
so solution is. use this micellar water, mmg awesome.

i rasa maybelline and nivea also got this makeup remover type. Can choose that if you guys nak. for me i prefer this one sebab harga dia also idok la mahal sangat cik kiah oit!!!

Botol kecik baru Rm9.90 jew. Yang besar dalam Rm29.90. Boleh guna berbulan bulan you olls..

After baca page nie ape lagi, pergi la ke guardian or watson terdekat.. sebelum abis jagan ckap iolls tak payung ye.. hahahah

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