Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Missha magic cushion

Tonight wanna make some make up review.. i been introduce from my korean friends about this magic cushin products. .

This missha magic cushion. Cantik annnnnn

Hyun send me this magic cushion from kore! Yela dah pown barang dia an., huhuhu
At first i still not confident about this. She said no need to use bb cream.. alahai kawan, if muka i mcm song jihyo its ok la.. nie macam minah senget tepi jalan je. 

Awwww i in love with yhis luxury look.. rasa nk gigit je

After remove the tag, close the lid with tight when do not use. (Nnt kering aku xjamin ok)
For the first time i use it, okay still amatur so janggal la. But then i see hmmmm its true cover everything. . I love the texture and smell.. so good i tell you hahahah.. the magic cushion also still long even i work inside the cold room.. kekal cantik sepanjang hariiii -iklan bedak libas libas rambut- 
Ape kena mengena rambut N??? Hmmmm

Ok what ever la, if interested go and buy this bb cushion pack..

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