Friday, May 26, 2017

How to Hide Enlarge Pores.

hello girls and boys!!! okay today i nk cerita and bg tips sikit pasal mcm mane nk cover pores. yela nk raya dh nie, if xcover betul2 pore masa makeup hmmm mmg nmpak xcantik la. cakey and bercapuk gitiew..

okay first!!!

1. Primer.
* Jgn pernah la korang skip step nie, before apply foundation tu, apply la primer dulu. bnyak dh brand yg keluarkan primer sendiri. mcm i, i mmg pengguna setia maybelline baby pores erase. If you guys guna primer, its help to build a thin canvas skin pada kulit, and also fill up pores korang. jgn tak tau ye, primer tidak sumbat an pores.

2.pilih foundation yg betul. 
* untuk elakkan cakey pada wajah, kita kena pilih foundation yg betul. cari foundation yg ada term "pore-refining" or "smoothing" foundation mcm nie bantu fill in foundation you olls, dari biarkan foundation tu make it own layer. So a correct foundation is must.. Kalo kulit berminyak i sarankan guna foundation yg matte, if kulit kering boleh guna foundation yg ada glowing our shimmering. 

3.Blend, blend blend..
8. okay nie yg paling penting and paling simple. blending. make sure korang blend betul betul foundation korang, even guna BB cushion pown kena blend betul2. if korang tak blend betul2 mmg cakey and tak sekata la makeup korang nnt. After pasti lagi yakin korang dh blend dengan sempurna, finishing dengan setting powder or loose powder. Nie help make your faoundation stay still.. 

okay i hope i dh bg tips yg dapat bantu korang semua.. Sebab i pown ada problem jugak dgn pores besar nie but i found a secret that i wanna share with you olls. okay guys have fun.. until we meet again okay!!!