Sunday, April 16, 2017

Mybelline Super BB cushion

hello fam..

ok hari ni i nak story morry about my new favorite cushion foundation..
This one is actually from Maybelline.
its is Super BB Cushion by maybelline.

 For me i use shade 03 Natural.
yela i olls bukan cerah pown hahaha..

But guys this cushion really really attract me so good. The coverage are medium to full coverage.
means if u nak look natural just dap dap gituw but can build more for full coverage.
the best is last longer sangat. for me its go until 8hours and its not breaking you olls.. hahh senang an.
tak payah dah bawak make up banyak2 dalam pouch you olls semua.
nie meh akak suggest you pergi je mane2 guardian or watson grab korang punyer BB cushion nie.

If korang tengk packaging dia pown sangat la cantik and elegan sangat.. Its come with one face puff yang lembut.. So after my own korean bb cushion i mmg suka yg nie.. Awesome babe!!!!