Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sape cakap yang kpop nie tau nak lagu dayu dayu bagai?? tak ada maknanyer semua tu.. example CL punyer lagu Hello Bitches. its prove ape yang diaorang nie ada kelainannyer..
nah aku bg usha sikit
watching unpretty rapstar kat youtube, klik nmpak yg uncut nie, pergh xsangka si jimin can rap this good..
nah enjoyyyyy'

Friday, March 4, 2016

Day1 final made

#MADEfinalinSeoul, yes today final bigbang concert in seoul... awww i wish i was there for them but i cant huhuhu sad fanlife... 
okay here wanna shared a few pic from the concert. creadit 100% to the owner.. yela penat they all lompat lompat nk ambik gambar. cannot la caras hak asasi diaorg hahhaha baik tak aku??? 

Feeling<3 td="">